Thursday, November 19, 2009

Week Three, day four....I'm soarin', flyin'...

Day Four....sorry for the High School Musical reference there :) but really, after my meeting with the trainer I am feeling really good about my plan!
Today I went to pilates at the gym and it was awesome! 45 minutes, pretty hard in places, but there were plenty of older ladies doing it pretty damn well so that was inspiring in an odd way, even if sometimes I wasn't as good at plank position as the 70 year old across from me. It just shows me that if I keep going like this I could someday be that awesome to be 70 and in good health and making twenty-somethings feel slightly inferior. Then I came home and made a tasty lunch (made dinner ahead of time too so I could eat it right when I got home from teaching this evening) and then did my weights. Sooo....I'm gonna be generous and give myself an A in both areas today! WOOHOO!! Tomorrow I'm meeting with my trainer to do some actual exercising stuff. She will most likely kick my butt. I'm gonna plan to get to the gym early to do my running/cardio. And then later work a long busy weekend shift at the restaurant. But it's money in my pocket to spend in CA in a few months!!!

Speaking my second letter today from Eben! He is kinda bored at boot camp. This does not surprise me. I just hope it gets more interesting for him or else it's gonna be a really long ten weeks (I get to see him ten weeks from today!!!). He is, as always, wonderfully sweet and touching in his letters. I love him so much. If I get two letters a week this isn't gonna be so bad....and I'm sending him letters basically every other day so he should have something to look forward to at the end of the day at least.

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