Day six, Saturday....sticking to the plan pretty well. I did my regular 20 min. pilates circuit and then did the weights but it was feeling pretty hard. My arm/chest muscles must be building up because they are real sore! So I had to switch to the three pounders for most of my second circuit. Hmmph. 60 ball crunches, not too shabby. Next week along with adding more push-ups I want to get a different pilates routine worked up that is a little more challenging to push me on the days I'm not running. So....I'm gonnna give it a C for the day. Just average.
Eating wise I was good today...actually probably didn't eat enough for the amount of activity I was doing. Had a long LONG crazy shift at work tonight and now my legs are extemely sore! I swear, there is something about serving that is just vicious on your legs/feet. More so than working out, long dance rehearsals, any of that. After work I refrained from snacking even though that is usually when I stress eat, ha! I just repeatedly counted my money instead, kinda the same effect but a LOT less late-night calories :) Gotta love the feeling of cash in your hand. So....B+ for me today! In the coming weeks I want to start moving away from just cutting out the bad stuff and toward incorporating more good stuff. Then maybe I'll get that elusive A.
Oh, also, I thought today that I should probably take some before/after pictures on Monday when I record my weight just so I can see if I'm making any visible progress. Not that I will probably post them here, no one needs to see that. Well, maybe the after ones :)
I think tomorrow is going to be a rest day. If I feel incredibly motivated after work and it's not too late I might go to the gym but we'll see about that. I might just do as the big guy upstairs says and declare Sunday an all around day of rest for the remainder of my thirteen weeks. If I can run on days 1, 3, and 5 as my running program prescribes and do pilates/weights/etc on 2, 4, and 6 that should be pretty good.
Now it's off to bed to rest my weary bones.
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