Well I'm nearing the end of week one and just building up momentum! So far this has been great...here's how the days have gone.
Day Four: Thursday I did 25 minutes of pilates, 60 crunches, and then did my weights (2 circuits) still around 30 reps. My arms were (and still are) pretty sore from Wednesday!! Yikes. I wussed out a couple times and switched to the three pound weights toward the end of my reps. BAD HEATHER. I really blasted my pecs on Wednesday I guess. Next week I'm gonna try doing a push-up exercise where you use a deck of cards...turn them over one at a time, and do the number of pushups on the card, for face cards you repeat the last number. I think I can probably get through one suit. We shall see next week. I really hate push-ups. But alas, I am getting ahead of myself....
So for fitness I give myself a solid B. A little above average but nothing spectacular.
As far as diet, I did ok...ate pretty light throughout the day. After teaching some dance/theatre classes that evening I went out and joined some lovely ladies for drinks. There I had a really yummy martini concoction and we all shared a delicious chocolate chip cookie/ice cream dessert thing. So....in the circumstances, I did pretty well. But I'm gonna give it a C+ for the day.
Day Five: Today (Friday) I stuck to the running plan and did the day 5 routine. This one is kinda annoying because you have to run for a minute and then walk for 30 seconds and keep repeating this cycle for like 30 minutes. It amounts to about 3 miles. It's good b/c it keeps your heart rate up, I guess. But it was much easier to do on the trail this summer than on a treadmill where you have to keep adjusting speed all the time. Now they should make a treadmill that adjusts to YOUR speed, that would be a worthwhile invention! I'm sure they could.....why you holding out on us, treadmill making people??? Awkward button pushing aside, I actually felt this was easier for me now than it was when I did it a few months ago. Maybe because now I'm actually sticking to the every-other-day thing and before it was harder because I was doing a show and trying to coordinate workouts with Eben. Anyway, it was a good hard workout but not hard in a bad, I'm-gonna-keel-over-I-can't-breathe sort of way. And then I finished off with 60 crunches! Yay! :)
So, fitness for the day...I'm gonna be generous today and give myself an A-! woohoo!
As far as diet is concerned....started off a little rocky but here's why. I met my good friend Jake for lunch and movie which is, coincidentally, one of the best things ever. Considering past lunch/movie dates, we BOTH showed commendable restraint. I had a cup of soup and a coffee with Bailey's (it's ok to drink before noon if it is in coffee, because that's a morning beverage) and half a soft pretzel at the movie...and got a coke but ended up not really drinking much of it. You have to understand that for us, this is SPARTAN I TELL YOU. Then I went to Panera and got a salad that was as big as my head and ate half while I killed time before work. Quite enjoyable afternoon if I do say so myself. Plus the fact that I got off work and got to do aforementioned awesome workout and be home by 8:30 to enjoy an evening of solitude. Freakin sweet.
So: Fitness (A-), Diet...I'm gonna give it a C+.
And because I'm a dork I'll probably start calculating my wellness GPA for the week soon. Oh my.
On a personal note...I am missing my fiancee something fierce but have realized that this is actually not half as bad as I made it to be in my head. Now that it is here, I am taking advantage of what this period of time has to offer to me...which is a chance to really focus inward on making myself better as well as focusing outward on my friends and family. I feel like I have had tunnel vision the past few months and everything was about him, and him leaving, and us, and now that that period is over I can turn more outward and build relationships with those who are important in my life. It is also really showing me how amazing and supportive the people in my life are, and I am so thankful for these wonderful people. You know who you are.
Now to just wait for that first letter.....
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