Sunday, November 8, 2009

Week one, day seven....taking a well deserved break!

Well the title says it all...Today I'm taking a break from working out and not being quite so strict with my diet. Maybe I'll do some yoga after work but nothing strenuous. For lunch today I ate at a really yummy Indian restaurant with Eben's parents...delicious food but I actually don't feel stuffed so that's good. I've decided that Sunday is a good day to do my "free day"...since it is the day before weigh-in (and possible photo documentation, oh my!) I probably will not feel at liberty to go too crazy :)

So...while figuring out my grade point average I decided that Sundays would be a little extra credit opportunity. So if I decide to work out I will gain a half grade but won't be penalized for not. Likewise if I eat horribly or go on an alcoholic bender I will knock a half grade off for the week. So no more Sunday afternoon benders in my future, ha ha ha!

So G.P.A. tallies for the week to come tomorrow with the official weigh-in. The excitement mounts. Please remain in your seats.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a star- I love this idea- great way to stay focused and busy to pass the 13 weeks- and I must say a little inspiring- maybe- if I'm lucky- a little will rub off if I keep reading!
