Sunday, November 29, 2009

Week Four, day six and seven.....dancing is the best workout ever :)

Day Six, I went to the gym to do weights and cardio....For weights I did a combination of the machine stuff I did with my trainer on Wednesday, and some other body resistance stuff we had done in our sessions (squats, abs, pushups, etc.) Then I ran for a half-hour on the treadmill doing the 1 minute intervals with 30 second rest. Next week is actually the beginning of the next "phase" in my running program so that is going to change up a little which will be good...I like variety and it's better for keeping in shape to change it up on your body as well. I am sticking generally to the running program, but also doing some other cardio stuff here and there as well like the stair mill and elliptical, or doing intervals on the treadmill with high elevation.
I like going to the gym and seeing really amazingly fit and buff women's inspiring to me that I could be like that someday if I keep fitness and wellness a #1 priority in my life like I have been the past four weeks. It's also cool too to see the people who are not in such good shape, because they are there sweating it out too and god knows we all have to start somewhere! I think taking those first steps when you are already in not-so-good shape are the hardest, mentally and physically. Once you've started it gets easy and enjoyable, and once you're "there", maintaining it just becomes a part of your daily routine and lifestyle. But at first it can be really daunting. I know, because I was there once. I think the first time I went to a gym was in college, when I realized that my fast teenager metabolism had ground to a halt and I got lazy with what I was eating (a lot of junk, ick) what with being busy with school and work and non-stop choreography/performing projects, and before I knew what had happened I had gained a bunch of weight. I was starting to feel really gross about myself and knew I had to do something about it, so I cut out the crap and started doing pilates and yoga and doing the elliptical a couple of times a week. I lost about ten pounds over that summer and have stayed at that weight more or less ever since.
The measures I am taking now and the level of commitment I am at with this now are much higher, but they have to be because my goals now are much higher too. But so far I am right on track and I am so glad that I took this is even making me consider (something that was actually in the back of my mind before for some reason) getting certified to be a personal trainer. Having an active, varied, flexible-hours and interpersonal job where I could help and teach people was always my ideal....I just never thought of it being this! But the more I think about it, the more it fits really well. I could see myself, before, teaching pilates or yoga, because that fits in with what I have been doing teaching dance and stuff....but I never thought of myself as "fit" enough to be someone's trainer! But now I see that I for sure can be that!! I just have to work hard and have faith that I can do anything I set my mind to!

So to recap, I give myself an A in both areas again :) I also got a little extra workout Saturday evening as it was my good friend Dustin's birthday and there was a gathering at one of our favorite dance spots. I was totally tee-totaling (ha ha say that three times fast!) and that felt good (especially since it was gonna be a late night and I had to get up early for church the next morning, which is hard enough as it is) and we danced our butts off! I haven't had such a joyous, fun, raucous time like that in a long while. It was great :)

Also, I got TWO letters on Friday and one Saturday!! Now that the letters are going back and forth regularly and there is only about a four day turnaround both ways, this is getting easier :) He is doing well but had to go to the doctor because he is having some IT band problems. But thankfully it is nothing that will set him back, he just has to use a brace for now and had to have a "light duty" day to recoup. After this coming week he will be done with Phase I already and on to Phase II which is a lot more hands-on stuff (hiking, survival/camping, rifle qualifications, etc.) So hopefully it will get more exciting for him and the time will continue to go by faster for both of us!

Day Seven, Sunday (rest day). Since it is my day to cheat (just a little) I had a small plate of Thanksgiving leftovers for lunch! YUMMY. Then it's off to work for me...results tomorrow!!

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