Day Three, I woke up feeling pretty ok (or so I thought), not really stuffy or any cold symptoms left. So I figured I would go to my training appointment at 11:00 and then do the rest of my workouts/appointments/work at restaurant as planned. Right? WRONG!!!
I got to the gym feeling ok, but as soon as I started training I could tell that it was feeling WAAAAY harder than it should. I was getting winded, light headed, and just felt generally weak. I was getting really frustrated with myself for not being able to do it as usual, and my trainer could tell that I wasn't as chipper as usual. I battled through it, even though I wanted to give up. I asked her if she thought I should do my cardio as usual (I'm crazy I guess) and she was like, "NO. Get some rest. Maybe you should call in sick to work tonight". And I'm like, "No way! I need the money!! And I don't really feel sick..." so I went home feeling dizzy and absolutely drained and basically crawled right into bed and passed out for a few hours. I felt just crappy, standing up took too much energy for me to muster. When I woke up, I thought I would give a couple people from work who I know were looking to pick up shifts a text to see if I could possibly get someone to cover my shift for me at this late notice. A few texts later, I had given up my shift. I cancelled all my other appointments for the day and hid my to-do list from myself. I forced myself to do NOTHING for the rest of the day/night. Which was hard, because I wasn't actually feeling sick, just exhausted and drained and not up to my usual energy level. I know my body was working hard in order to fight off whatever bug I had, and the fact that it didn't really ever get full blown was because I was being good about taking vitamins and sleeping extra, but when I thought about it, I didn't really give myself a chance to slow down at all the past few days. I kept on working my long hours and double shifts and expecting the same things of myself that I do when I'm perfectly healthy, which was a little crazy. So, this week will probably end up being light on the workouts, but I'm realizing that's ok :) It's more important to get the rest I need to prevent me from getting really sick and setting me back more, and having to miss more work.
Day Four, I woke up feeling much better, more myself again :) Still not "normal" (whatever that is, right??) but getting there! I decided that I was not going to go to my pilates class in the AM, since that might be too much right now, but if I felt like it midday I would go to the gym and do some walking/running and just see what happened. So, after taking care of some things around the house in the morning, I felt pretty good and motivated to go to the gym. I got on the treadmill and ended up running almost 3 miles! It was pretty close to the day one stuff I couldn't do on Tuesday, altogether about 25 minutes of running and 10 of walking. And afterwards I didn't feel like I was going to fall over! Although I still don't feel up to par, I do feel better and am so glad I could at least do something today without feeling horribly sapped :) So I am going to nap a little before hanging out with my good friends VD and Chelsea tonight for a Friends-themed Fat Chick night. I will have to be careful, because the whole point of our fat chick nights is that we eat guilty pleasure food and watch Friends or Family Guy and play board games. I figure I can partake of the food in very very small quantities :) And then I have another whole day off tomorrow to rest, get shopping done, and workout a little :)
Get lotsa rest and feel better, sissy dearest! :)
ReplyDeleteDrained of energy, crawling into bed, body shutting down for the day...sounds like you just discovered the Sabbath!!! :-) Works absolute wonders! Even God had one!