Friday, December 18, 2009

Week Seven, day five....I'm BACK!

....and wishing I didn't eat what I ate last night. OY. I actually felt like I was pretty restrained, and didn't feel stuffed or anything at the end of the night, but I felt really gross when I woke up this morning. I think it was the combination of the processed food, sugar, alcohol (I had like ONE rum and coke and I think I'm officially done with liquor now, especially when combined with soda..ack) really did a number on me. Well it wasn't all that bad, but I kinda felt like I poisoned myself when I woke up this morning, and my digestive system was like, WHY? Eeek. So, I guess I've learned my lesson. I will probably not be indulging myself like that again for a LONG time. Nor do I want to. When I do "cheat", it will take the form of yummy steaks and homemade dessert and mashed potatoes, a glass of wine or beer here and there and things like that, not nasty processed food. But, it was delightful to see my friends and watch Friends and play Friends Scene-It :)
Anyway, today I was feeling much better (sick-wise) so I decided to start off with a more advanced pilates routine, and then weights, and wanted to do cardio too if I was still feeling good after that. Which I was, so I went to the gym and ran eight minute intervals with high elevation with a two minute walk between, for forty minutes. Feeling great! Hopefully then the next two days I can make up a missed workout or two. Thank God I am not working tonight, and will have another relaxing day off before it's back to the grind tomorrow! (I want to finish my Xmas shopping tonight, but that is fun anyway. :)
I have come to realize that picking up shifts and working a lot, though good in theory and good for my bank account, is not good for my body OR soul. Balance is everything, and last weekend I definitely overdid it by picking up an extra weekend evening shift and working like 7 shifts in a row. So, though I can obviously use the money, nothing is worth getting sick or feeling stressed or putting my workouts in jeopardy. Especially when things are crazier than normal in every aspect during this time of the year. I'm honestly really looking forward to January when work will slow down and I can maybe spend a little more time at the gym, work on getting my certifications done or at least planned, and maybe start scaling back at the restaurant. My goal is to be working kind of part time at the restaurant in the <3 month period where Eben is in his second phase of training (approximately February - April), to be working on making the fitness stuff my job and to not have to rely on the restaurant for my sole source of income! (Oh, and I almost forgot--plan a wedding) I really do like it there, it's super flexible, good money and I don't hate the job...especially when I can do it on a very part-time basis :)

So, here is the tally for this week:
Cardio: 2
Resistance: 3
Pilates/Yoga: 2

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