Sunday, December 20, 2009

Week Seven, days six and seven

Day Six, I went to the gym and did my weight training routine from my last training session, then did a half hour of running on the treadmill! It was nice to feel back to normal energy-wise, and be able to do a normal workout again!

Day Seven, Sunday...though Sunday is usually my rest day, I did do some yoga and pilates in the afternoon before my shift at work to try to make up for what I missed earlier in the week. I had thought I could maybe fit in another cardio workout to bring my tally up to my goal, but I decided to take it easy and not push too hard--I did some intense running three days in a row and then worked two long weekend night shifts the next two days, and my legs are feeling a little done for!
I know next week will be a little strange with Christmas affecting my gym and work schedule, but I will just stay flexible and keep doing what I need to do to make sure I am getting the rest I need! The recovery and rest is just as important as the workouts, I need to remind myself of that :)

My workout tally for the week--not too bad actually considering my setbacks this week!
Weights: 4
Yoga/Pilates: 3

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