Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week Eleven results!!!

So my goal for today was 128....I got on the scale and I was 131. Eek! But, I'm also still incredibly bloated so I know that it is throwing things off a little. I know I didn't really gain any weight last week, so I'm just going to keep weighing myself for the next couple days to make sure that was really what was going on!! Just bad timing for the weigh-in, I think. Gotta love being a girl. :( Stay tuned!! For week twelve (the last week!!!!) I'm going to really hit it hard and burn off as many of those remaining pesky pounds as I can! Because after that I'm going to be in San Diego, probably not working out, and then back home in MN with Eben for a week and we are going to be doing a LOT of eating, cuddling, and generally hedonistic activities. I would love to still get in a few workouts during that week, but I'm certainly not going to beat myself up if I don't!!! I only get to see him for ten days out of six months, so I'm going to take full advantage of it :)

Workout tally for week Eleven:
Cardio: 4
Weights: 2
Pilates/Yoga: 2

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